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7th Annual Employer Healthcare & Benefits Congress

Tria Health participated in the 7th Annual Employer Healthcare & Benefits Congress conference last week in Orlando, Florida. A collaboration of dynamic speakers discussed innovative ways we can have an impact on healthcare and benefits.  The conference keynote speaker Scott Hamilton highlighted his journey through the health care system and in his mind coined the phrase “medical tourism.”  His message was powerful and enlightening.

It is not the events in life that define character it is how you deal with them.

The conference topics included: importance of engagement, medication therapy management and optimizing your wellness program.

The idea is to get people moving and improving the outcomes in health and wellness through incentive based programs.  When employees are not engaged in the wellness initiative, absenteeism, productivity, employee retention all begin to impact the health plan. Tria Health clinical pharmacists provide both a preventative and clinical solution to promote better health and better outcomes which will impact your bottom line.

For more information on Tria Health, visit or call 1.888.799.8742.

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