Every year World Suicide Prevention Day falls on September 10th. This day is dedicated to promoting worldwide action to prevent suicides. 2020 has been an extremely difficult year for many, making this day even more crucial. On this day organizations, government agencies, and individuals get a chance to promote not only suicide prevention, but mental illnesses associated with suicide as well.
Why Suicide Prevention Day is Important
Suicide affects us all. Sadly, many of us know someone who has committed suicide. The pandemic has caused loneliness and stress only increasing suicide and suicidal thoughts. This day reminds everyone that no matter how bad things are right now, there is always hope that they will get better.
Awareness –> action. When you raise awareness on a topic it causes more people to act. A vast majority of people are confused about how to help someone who is struggling with their mental health. World Suicide Prevention Day provides the resources people need to learn more about the reasons behind suicide. This knowledge has the power to save someone’s life.
It illuminates mental health issues. September 10th is a reminder that discussing mental health should not be a taboo subject. Advocating for mental health is imperative and hard conversations need to happen in order to help.
Facts About Suicide
1 in 15 American adults suffer from depression.
Suicide is most common among people between the ages of 45 and 64.
Men commit suicides more often, but women are more likely to make an attempt.
Just about every 12 minutes someone commits suicide in America.
1 in 4 U.S. young adults have considered taking their life in the past month due to the pandemic.
How to Help
Try to look for any warning signs of suicide such as mood swings, personality changes, anxiousness, amid others. All warning signs can vary from individual to individual because everyone processes things differently. If you have a friend who has revealed that they have been having suicidal thoughts, contact your local suicide prevention hotline. Furthermore, call this hotline if you see a person post something on social media that makes you concerned for their mental well-being. Keep in mind that it is not easy to know when someone is struggling. Make it a part of your routine to check-in by calling, hanging out, and keeping in constant communication with your friends, family, and loved ones.
Tria Can Help
If you or someone you know are dealing with mental health related issues, Tria can help. A large number of people decide to take medications to effectively manage their mental health. If Tria Health is offered through your benefits plan, you have the option of receiving a one-on-one, private consultation with one of Tria Health’s pharmacists over the phone. If you are interested in exploring medication treatments for mental health, Tria’s pharmacist will be able to provide you with recommendations.
Call the Tria Health Help Desk: 1.888.799.8742
If you or someone you know is struggling, call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or text TALK to 741741 at any time for help.
Suicide Prevention Resource Center: http://www.sprc.org/
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: https://afsp.org/