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Taking Multiple Medications Can Put You at Risk for Drug Interactions

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Taking multiple medications can be overwhelming. Some medications need to be taken with food while others need to be taken in the evening. It can become ever more complex with the fear of drug interactions involved. While most interactions are usually not life-threatening, some mixtures of medications can lead to serious – and even fatal – consequences.1 It’s important to talk with your doctor and pharmacist about your current medication regimen to help avoid any possible reactions.

The more medications you take, the higher the risk

The more medications a patient takes, the higher the risk that drugs will interact with each other. According to, the drug-interaction risks are:


A recent study from the University of Illinois at Chicago also concluded that children taking multiple medications are also at risk for drug interactions. “Among those using multiple medications, one in 12 was at risk for a major drug interaction, and the vast majority of these potential interactions involved antidepressants.”3

Drug Interaction Types

There are four main types of drug interactions:

  1. Drug-Drug Interactions

  2. Drug-Food/Beverage Interactions

  3. Drug-Condition Interactions

  4. Drug-Supplement Interactions

Simple steps to avoid drug interactions

  1. Talk with your doctor and pharmacist about any new medications. Make sure they know about any vitamins and supplements you are currently taking.

  2. Follow all the dosing instructions listed on each of your medications.

  3. Keep an updated medication list on hand for any of your medical appointments.

  4. You can also use AARP’s online drug interaction checker

Tria Health can help

If Tria Health is offered through your benefits plan, you have the option of receiving a one-on-one private consultation with one of Tria Health’s pharmacists over the phone. During your consultation, your pharmacist will review all your current medications, including vitamins and supplements. Tria Health will assist you in identifying any possible drug interactions or savings opportunities!

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