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Keys to Checking Your Blood Pressure at Home

Man checking blood pressure with bp cuff

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High Blood pressure affects more than 40% of adults over 25 years of age. In addition to visiting your doctor to ensure your blood pressure is under control, you should be doing out of office monitoring as one to two times per week.  The key to out of office monitoring is that you are consistent in the method of how you take your blood pressure.

Rest for 10 Minutes

If you have a blood pressure monitor at home, be sure to give yourself 10 minutes of resting time prior to taking your reading.

Avoid Caffeine and Tobacco

Avoid caffeine and tobacco 30 minutes prior to taking a reading as well.

Sit in a Relaxed Position

When taking your blood pressure, you should sit relaxed with both feet on the ground.  Arms should be supported at the heart level and free of constrictive clothing. At home blood pressure readings are also ideally taken at the same time every day and in the same arm.

Check Your Cuff Sizing

It is also important to consider the size of the blood pressure cuff when using an at home monitoring system.  Depending on the circumference of the arm, you may need a smaller or larger cuff to ensure accurate readings. Talk to your pharmacist about what the right cuff size is for you.

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